All 4 of you. : ) is going well here at our household. We've had a few new milestones reached lately, but I think I'll keep you in suspense and post about those over the next few days.
I'm cruel like that.
I will share that we've had some super fun times the last two days. My mom, affectionately known as Gaga, came down for a visit. And she came bearing gifts. Dinosaur and princess colorform-like-toys for the kids and coupons and People magazines for me. That woman sure knows what we like!
Hubby and I got to go out for a much-needed date night last night (seriously, when did life get so hectic?) while Gaga babysat. Uncle Matt and Aunt Jessica came over, too, and I think were a huge help to mom. Hubby and I enjoyed a nice, quiet dinner out, did a little shopping, and got to see a movie. It was a great evening!
Then today, we ventured to one of the kids' favorite spots - The Children's Museum! It was Megan's first trip there, and she did great! Josh and Sarah were thrilled to be back (we realized it had been over 6 months since we'd been there) and got to do some of our favorite regulars (the dinosaurs, the water table, and the carousel), but also got to see some cool new things like a mummy tour and the Batmobile. Lots of fun!
(This is Josh in front of the Batmobile - you just kinda can't see it.)
Don't you just LOVE the children's museum. We just renewed our membership a few weeks ago. It somehow makes the thought of colder weather bearable for me.
Ah date night... It's been too long since we've had one of those! We need to go to the Children's Museum. The last couple times we went Zeke was too young to really enjoy anything.
Date night was great. It was nice to have a relaxing dinner and get to spend time with just you. I LOVE YOU!!!
I wish I could have been at the Museum. It looks like a lot more fun than work.
What can I say??? I had a WONDERFUL 2 days with my 3 favorite kids in the whole wide world! (And I really love the 4 "big kids" that are a big part of my life, too!) I have to admit that I'm glad Uncle Matt and Aunt Jessica were there to help with bedtime. The Children's Museum was awesome!! It's hard to adjust to my "real life" at home - I much prefer my "Gaga life"! But I do miss Papa when I'm away!
Love you all very, very much!
We have the best Children's Museum ever! We try to go pretty regularly since we have a membership. Let me know if you ever want to go together sometime!
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