Sunday, October 12, 2008

Adoption Changes

Some really great friends of ours have been waiting for almost two years now to adopt their daughter from China. They just got news on Friday that could greatly affect their ability to successfully complete the adoption process.

I don't really understand it all, but there's been some governmental changes on the US side and there's been a change in the form that's required for your background check. They're making everyone switch to the new one, even though Congress stated that anyone already involved in the adoption process should be grandfathered in. The new one costs significantly more and takes up to 6 months to process. Bottom line is this will require more money, a longer wait, and worst case scenario...if our friends' referral comes up before the new paperwork has been processed, they could lose their little girl and would have to start the entire process over (could take 4 YEARS or more!!!)

This is incredibly unfair and breaks my heart to think that beurocracy over paperwork could harm my friends' (and others like them) chance of becoming parents to the beautiful children around the world who need their mommies and daddies.

Here's where you come in. Could you please take just a moment to sign this petition? I guess they're trying to get as many signatures as possible before the 16th of October...

If you want to forward it on to others who support adoption, that'd be great, too. And most importantly, would you please say a prayer for our friends? God IS still in control, and He can and will be there with them through all this.

Thanks so much.

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