Monday, June 30, 2008

Picture Perfect

"This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
-Psalm 118:24

This is the view from our front window. Absolutely beautiful sky. I guess that's why they call it a picture window.

Thank you, God, for a chance to be outside and enjoy my kids. Thank you for the breeze and for the mild temperatures. Thank you for the sunshine. Thank you that we could have our windows open. Thank you for picnics in the backyard. You rock, God, and I give you praise for your beautiful work!

I praise you, too, for stomp rockets. And tongues that when stuck out help the stomp rockets go higher.

And the winner is...

Okay, hands down "Best Husband of the Year" goes to my man! Sorry ladies, I got him! : )

I saved my big shopping outing until after the kids went to bed last night. I'm still a little overwhelmed at the thought of taking all 3 of them with me during the day. Maybe I sound a little like a sissy, but I know my limitations. An infant who doesn't like to nap on the go, a potty-training 2 1/2 yr old, and a curious 5 year-old who likes to pester his sister in Wally-World for over an hour doesn't sound like my idea of fun. At least not yet, anyways!

So when I got home last night after 10:00 p.m. (On a side note - don't wait to check out after 10:00. I think all of their cashiers but one go home then. Talk about a zoo!) my whole kitchen had been cleaned! All our dishes were done, the dishwasher was set to run, the table had been wiped off, and the floor had been swept! I love that man so much!!!!

His one comment was that he was sorry he didn't bleach the counter tops. Seriously? He did all that and still apologized that he didn't do more!!!

I had to laugh. You see, the bleach is in the laundry room. Our laundry room doorknob malfunctioned last night and we couldn't get in it! All the hinges, the screws for the knob, everything are on the inside. There was no way in! Since we just built our home last summer, we are still under warranty for everything. So, I called the builder this morning and they sent someone out to fix it (after I was told this was a first - guess we're the lucky ones!) He seriously came and (hi-ya) kicked the door! It was pretty funny! Eventually he got in with a crowbar. Now we get a new door, frame, and knob. I would have thought that there's an easier way to do it, but whatever floats your boat, I guess! So that's why my dear, sweet hubby couldn't bleach my counter tops. All's well now, though!
Here's the door that had to be broken into.

Thanks, hon, for all your help last night. You really are the best!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I love dimples so much that when I was a little girl, I would poke my fingernails into my cheeks trying to make them. All I'd end up with, unfortunately, is sore cheeks.

Here's the great news, Megan has little dimples and oh my are they ever cute!!!! They're still pretty tiny, but the one on her right cheek is more prominent. Here's a baby grin picture. It's kinda hard to see, so you'll have to trust me that they really are there!!!

Wikipedia says that dimples may fade as kids get older, so I suppose that's possible. I tell ya what - I'm just going to enjoy them as long as I can! Grin on, Megan - grin on!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sarah's First Haircut!

My sweet daughter turns three in just a couple of months, but has never had a haircut. Can you believe it? I kept moving the preprinted "First Haircut" page of her scrapbook farther and farther back. To explain a little, I wanted to wait until her bangs grew because I didn't want to have to mess with bangs. However, I decided if I waited that long, we may be waiting a looooooong time. Those bangs just won't grow. So, we thought maybe we should help tidy up her look a little.

Then, I had a bad dream that I took her somewhere to get it cut and the lady chopped it ALL off, making her look like a boy. (GASP!) She and I were both in tears and I punched the lady. Yikes! Something had to be done, and I didn't want to take any chances.

So, I pulled out my non-official (but frequently used) haircutting scissors and decided I would attempt it...

Her hair before

During the cut (Notice how serious and focused I am. This is tough work! Did I mention this girl doesn't sit still for anything?)

And, voila, the after!

Whatd'ya think?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Best Buds

Last night we had our neighbors over for dinner. We moved in about a year ago and I can tell you now that they'll be forever friends. They really are the best neighbors ever and we love getting together with them!

Anyways, the kids had been playing on the swingset and we told them dinner was about ready and they needed to wash up. In the process of getting dinner ready and tending to my daughter, I missed what exactly happened in the bathroom, but some sort of argument broke out between my son and his friend. However, here's the part I heard...

"I'm sorry, Josh."

"That's okay. I forgive you, best bud." heart melted. My son has a best bud.

Just don't tell my daughter.

She has the closest thing to a crush you can have when you're only 2 1/2. In her mind, he's HER best friend. She tags around with the big boys all the time and she tells our neighbor that she loves him. Too sweet. At least for now. Not so sweet when she's 13... or even 6. My hubby says she's not allowed to date until she's 30.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My first post

I'm so excited to be here! Why am I blogging, you ask? Simply put, because I think it’d be fun. Do I have the time? We’ll have to see. I would think I could put a small post up each day, but I do have three small children and a home to take care of. No promises.

Please bookmark my site and check in often. And be sure when you do to leave a comment!