Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Remembering Life, Messy As It Is

Oh, dear readers, I'm so sorry that I've once again left you hanging for weeks. Somehow life gets so busy and time just flies by. I've yet to learn the balancing act and figure out how to get it all done. Laundry piles up. Dust accumulates. Blogs go unwritten.

Yet, kids have been loved, school taught, relationships nurtured. I guess that's what is really important, right? Then why do I feel so guilty when the other things go untouched?

Caring for three small children and managing a home can seem so unglamorous at times, yet when I'm old and they're gone and the house is quiet, I know I'm going to miss it. I'm going to wonder, what were those days really like?

Well, one project I've been wanting to do for quite some time now is videotape a day in the life. But again, because laundry often sits around in piles and somehow my kitchen never stays clean for more than 10 minutes, I've been putting it off. Who wants to have caught on tape - forever - their messy house?

Today is different. Today I woke up and said, enough! Today, I'm just gonna bite the proverbial bullet and do it. So what if the house isn't perfect? That's how we live life a lot, so why not have our videotaped day be like that?

So today, every hour or so, I'll be checking in on our family via video camera. I know I won't get all the moments of our day that I cherish, but I'll get some. I'll be able to remember what ordinary, daily life was like when my kiddos were small.

And hopefully 30 years from now I'll look back and smile at the messy kitchen island, remembering instead all the great moments I had with my kids. That's what's important anyway, right?

Let the tapes roll.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get home and watch the four people I love the most.


Sarah said...

what a great idea Missy. I have been meaning to do something like that for such a long time. It's neat to go back and watch all of Brandon's home videos from when he and his brothers were small...which we have done a lot of lately. Makes me want to make sure we remember Luke's days too....I hope you captured a lot of those sweet little voices on camera! I think that is my favorite part of all of our old home videos...their little kid voices are so cute!!
Maybe I will do this sometime this week too. Thanks for giving me motivation! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!! I wish I could rewind and go back to when you and Matt were little. I have so many cherished memories in my mind!! Time goes by so fast - and it's wonderful that you will have a visual reminder of this very special time in your life. You've heard me say it a thousand times - but it's so true..........enjoy your time with your kids - it will be over before you know it!!!

Love you all very much!!
